Wired: Toddler Coding Classes are the New Must-have Activity for Nurseries

In this Wired article, the writer discusses the importance of the early learning coding. While there are many on-screen coding methods available to young learners, there is a push to have children this young to use screen-free options. The article continues:

Benedict Gaster, an associate professor in physical computing at the University of the West of England, wonders whether three- and four-year-olds really need to be sitting in front of a screen. “I’m not arguing that they shouldn’t use devices. It just shouldn’t be the only means of teaching. I would argue that children playing with building blocks is teaching problem solving skills.”

Then there is KIBO, a robotic kit that works with wooden blocks, used to create a sequence of instructions. The child can then scan the blocks with a small robot to tell it what to do, and the robot starts to move. These toys don’t have screens, and are part of STEAM, an educational approach that incorporates the arts into the STEM model that includes science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Read on for the full Wired article.