The Tech Edvocate: Free Resources to Help Everyone Navigate Online Learning

As educators continue to teach children remotely or in a hybrid model, this article shares some resources to make online learning a litte easier. Educators need all the help they can make online learning as efficient and accessible as possible.

About KIBO
“For teachers, or even parents with children at home, that wish to teach design and engineering, building, and coding without the need for a robot, KinderLab Robotics offers their ‘No KIBO? No Problem!’ booklet for no cost. It includes a series of STEM activities that are genuinely engaging that learners from ages 3 to 7 years can get into straight away.

All of the activities are based on KinderLab’s 160+ hours of standards-focussed curriculum. They each provide clear guidance on learning objectives and the resources that will be necessary for completing the project. Download the PDF booklet here for free.”

See all the free resources.