Child’s Play Newsletter

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Hello, and welcome to the October 2016 issue of Child’s Play!

The school year is well underway here in Boston and we’re very excited about the ever growing number of schools that are incorporating robotics, engineering, and making in creative ways. And of course we’re pleased that KIBO is part of that movement.

In this issue we explore one rich area of such curriculum integration: so called “STREAM” education, which brings STEAM teaching techniques to Religious education. In a small but real way, KIBO can be a part of strengthening communities and building bridges between them.

We also give a round-up of some recent contributions to our handy KIBO Resources website. Some of these new contributions make great use of our new KIBO Expression module, and some of them explore STREAM curriculum. We hope you’ll take a look!

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Learn about bringing STEAM robotics and coding programs to your young learners.

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