Congresswoman Clark codes with KIBO

As you may have heard, we were excited to welcome Congresswoman Katherine Clark to the KinderLab Robotics headquarters last month. As an avid supporter of early education, Congresswoman Clark was keen to see KIBO in action and learn more about our mission – and vice versa.

CEO and co-founder Mitch Rosenberg talked with her and her team for some time about everything including coding, STEAM, and girls in tech.

“It important that girls begin at an early age and have toys and materials in the classroom purposely put together with gender equality in mind – both in approach and the way you get results – to keep them from feeling as though they aren’t as good as the boys,” said Congresswoman Clark.

We, of course, wholeheartedly agree. KIBO was designed after in-depth research into gender and child development technologies.

After all that talking, we got to coding! Check out the video below of Congresswoman Clark creating a program with our robot kit, KIBO.

Katherine Clark has been the Congresswoman for the Fifth District of Massachusetts since 2013.

Stay tuned for more from our visit, including a Q&A!