
Three kids using KIBO for STEAM Learning Image


Screen-free, powered by imagination – and so many more reasons…

KIBO Robot customized by students

KIBO in Action

Explore. Problem-solve. Innovate. Change things up. Make it your own.
Kids learning programming with KIBO in school Image

KIBO in the Classroom

Engaging today’s students requires much more than a tablet and mouse.

Child learning with KIBO at home Image

KIBO at Home

Learn to code without screentime? Yes, parents – it can be done!
KIBO with modules added

Which KIBO?

KIBO 10/15/18/21? Classroom Package? Let us help find the right KIBO for you.

Kids turning KIBO into birds Image

Using KIBO

We can help you get started with tutorials, activities, curriculum and more.

Kids using KIBO on Map Image

Using KIBO in the Classroom

Engaging today’s students requires much more than a tablet and mouse.

KIBO being used with classroom curriculum


Our comprehensive set of STEM curriculum materials supports you in every way.
Two Teachers at a KIBO Professional Development Event Image

Professional Development

Hands-on experiences to target the different needs of schools and early childhood centers.
Teachers working with KIBO


There are thousands of grants for educators of all kinds. And it can all start with KIBO.
Three children creating Lego designs on their KIBO robot image


KIBO is brought to you after more than 20 years of early childhood research.
Children storytelling with KIBO Image

Get the right number of KIBOs, valuable training,  curriculum, workbooks + more!

Amanda Sullivan training an educator to use KIBO image


Video explanations of all KIBO’s functionality

Westward Expansion Project KIBO Wagon


Learn and have fun with your KIBO!

Professional Development

White Papers & Webinars

See the collection of KIBO White Papers, guides, and webinar recordings.

Science - KIBO Whale Migration Image


Unique ways to learn with your KIBO

KIBO using IF/End IF Conditional programming blocks


If KIBO is no longer moving & shaking, we can help!

Three children creating Lego designs on their KIBO robot image


KIBO is brought to you after more than 20 years of early childhood research.


Amanda Sullivan training an educator to use KIBO image


Video explanations of all KIBO’s functionality

Westward Expansion Project KIBO Wagon


Learn and have fun with your KIBO!

Professional Development

White Papers & Webinars

See the collection of KIBO White Papers, guides, and webinar recordings.

Science - KIBO Whale Migration Image


Unique ways to learn with your KIBO

KIBO using IF/End IF Conditional programming blocks


If KIBO is no longer moving & shaking, we can help!

Three children creating Lego designs on their KIBO robot image


KIBO is brought to you after more than 20 years of early childhood research.

For Educators

Kids using KIBO on Map Image

Using KIBO in the Classroom

Engaging today’s students requires much more than a tablet and mouse.

KIBO being used with classroom curriculum


Our comprehensive set of STEM curriculum materials supports you in every way.
Two Teachers at a KIBO Professional Development Event Image

Professional Development

Hands-on experiences to target the different needs of schools and early childhood centers.
Teachers working with KIBO


There are thousands of grants for educators of all kinds. And it can all start with KIBO.
Three children creating Lego designs on their KIBO robot image


KIBO is brought to you after more than 20 years of early childhood research.
Children storytelling with KIBO Image

Get the right number of KIBOs, valuable training,  curriculum, workbooks + more!


Three kids using KIBO for STEAM Learning Image


Screen-free, powered by imagination – and so many more reasons…

KIBO Robot customized by students

KIBO in Action

Explore. Problem-solve. Innovate. Change things up. Make it your own.
Kids learning programming with KIBO in school Image

KIBO in the Classroom

Engaging today’s students requires much more than a tablet and mouse.

Child learning with KIBO at home Image

KIBO at Home

Learn to code without screentime? Yes, parents – it can be done!
KIBO with modules added

Which KIBO?

KIBO 10/15/18/21? Classroom Package? Let us help find the right KIBO for you.

Kids turning KIBO into birds Image

Using KIBO

We can help you get started with tutorials, activities, curriculum and more.

SmartBrief: Teaching a Maker Mindset through STEM

2 educators from the Park School in Brookline, MA, Megan Bounit and Kimberly Fogarty, share how to create a maker mindset in any environment. At the Park School, their makerspaces have evolved in many ways, but are driven by their shared philosophies around making, design thinking, engineering, coding, and robotics. Megan and Kimberly describe using KIBO robots to bring a maker mindset to STEM lessons.

Regardless of the materials available, you can teach with a maker mindset and instill that mindset in students. Here are four of the concepts that drive everything they do in their making:

1) Solution Diversity – Students should be able to be creative and make choices, even while they’re building the same skills.
2) Bounded Autonomy – Students are constrained by limited materials, but leaving the project open-ended, gives them the freedom to choose how they meet the constraints. Supporting this intersection of bounded autonomy and solution diversity is why they use a robot like KIBO that literally provides a platform for students to build on.
3) SEL Skills Integration – In the makerspace, students learn specific maker skills like how to use tools and equipment, the design thinking process, and how to code, but they also integrate social-emotional learning into the lesson plans. They design their units to intentionally create opportunities for students to collaborate and communicate with one another. They create situations where students will develop self-awareness, self-management, and social awareness, and foster relationship skills and responsible decision-making.
4) Inspiring Reflection – Students are asked to reflect on specific elements: something new they learned, perhaps a challenge they had and what strategies they used to problem solve, what might they change in a design with more time or, is there something about which they still wonder. Reviewing the process reinforces both the specific STEM lesson as well as the elements of the maker mindset that we strive to instill in all our students.

Read on for the full article.