EduTechGuys: An Interview with Mitch Rosenberg, CEO of KinderLab Robotics

While at the ISTELive24 Conference, KinderLab’s CEO, Mitch Rosenberg sat down with Jeff and David, from EduTechGuys, to discuss KinderLab’s origins and our mission to provide universal STEM learning to all young students, through the use of the screen-free, research backed KIBO robot kit.

The interview includes snippits like:

EduTechGuys: “I love the whole concept. Getting them [kids] used to the [coding] process and the joy in the process. ‘I learned this a long time ago, I get this.’ It [KIBO] is so tactile and so accessible for everyone in the room.”

Mitch: “This universality isn’t about making more programmers, but making more well round populations that can encounter problems of all sorts and deal with them well.”

EduTechGuys: “Make Problem solvers…that’s what it sounds like KIBO does.”

Mitch: “That’s is our mission is entirely.”

Listen in on the full podcast.