Hour of Code: Expressing Happiness with KIBO

“If you’re happy and you know it flash your light!” In this robotics lesson that also engages with music and social-emotional learning, students collaboratively create a program for KIBO including both input and output that expresses a feeling of happiness. Students learn that robots have output parts that allow them to send information out into the world.
Let’s dance with our KIBOs!
Design a program with KIBO’s output parts — like the light bulb — to show how happy you are!

Did you enjoy your Expressing Happiness with KIBO activity?
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- Share your experience on social media that you completed the Hour of Code
- Receive a certificate that you completed the Hour of Code
- See leaderboards about which countries/cities have the highest participation rates in Hour of Code activities
About Hour of Code
The ‘Hour of Code™’ is a nationwide initiative by Computer Science Education Week and Code.org to introduce millions of students to one hour of computer science and computer programming.