Nursery Rhyme Retelling with KIBO
Contributed by: Erin Wicklund, Hillsdale Public Schools, NJ,

In this lesson, our K-2 students retell a nursery rhyme using the KIBO robot to “show and tell”. Students worked collaboratively to create a program that will follow the first, next, then, and last retelling format. The program contains Begin, End, and whichever other KIBO programming blocks they feel are necessary to tell the nursery rhyme to their audience.
This is a great opportunity to reinforce a natural connection between literacy and computer science. Some nursery rhymes included Itsy Bitsy Spider, Humpty Dumpty, Little Bo Peep, and Hey Diddle Diddle.
To create your own activity, see the KIBO Lesson Plan, Nursery Rhyme Retell. The lesson plan included materials needed, ISTE standards met, assessments, as well learning standards:
- Create programs with sequences & simple loops to accomplish tasks.
- Describe a program’s sequence of events, goals, and expected outcomes.
- Determine central message and retell a sequence of events in literary texts
- Ask and answer questions about key details in a text or information presented orally or through other media.