Special offer: Order now, and you will also receive our upcoming Exploring with KIBO curriculum for grades 3-5 when it is released in February 2025.
Our classroom packages give you the right number of KIBOs, valuable training, hours of curriculum, workbooks, and more! Classroom Packages are priced at a 5% discount compared to buying a la carte.
For schools looking to maximize the impact of their investment in KIBO, we are pleased to offer the new STEAM Explorer classroom package bundle that combines the KIBO 21 Robot Kit with all of our fun, diverse extension sets into a unified package. Every extension set and every lesson we’ve created, core and supplemental, is included — and at a significant discount! With the STEAM Explorer classroom package, you’ll make the most of your investment in KIBO by ensuring you have the widest possible range of activities and curriculum to reach all students from PreK to 5th grade.
The KIBO 21 Small Classroom Package is designed to serve 10 to 12 students with 5 KIBO 21 robot kits, and is perfect for a small classroom or sharing between classrooms. This package includes:
- 5 KIBO 21 kits
- 5 Marker Extension Sets: integrate art and geometry by programming KIBO to draw
- 5 Building Brick Extension Sets: build with LEGO-compatible bricks to integrate engineering and imagination play
- 5 Free Throw Extension Sets: explore physics and measurement with a programmable throwing arm
- 5 Advanced Coding Extension Sets: extend into upper elementary coding concepts with new KIBO blocks
- Pack of 12 Engineering Design Journals
- Pack of 12 Assessment Workbooks
- Activity Guide Cards
- Growing with KIBO Core Curriculum
- Our entire line of Extension Set Curriculum books: Express Yourself!, Showtime with KIBO, Ask and Imagine, Build It Better, and Make Learning Visible (over 50 additional hours of supplemental activities!)
- “KIBO Says”, class programming game
- Two posters: KIBO and Engineering Process
- Two hours of Professional Development for one teacher via web-conference*