STEM Teacher Training & Professional Development

Ensure success in bringing KIBO to your young learners with effective and proven PD and STEM Training for Early Childhood Educators.

STEM Training for Early Childhood Educators

STEM Learning Starts with Teaching

Teaching coding, engineering, and STEM in early childhood requires age-appropriate tools. But quality professional development is every bit as important. In fact, improving teachers’ skills is an important part of our mission to improve students’ STEM skills.

Early childhood teachers may not have coding education backgrounds, so it’s important to include relevant PD and STEM training for early childhood educators when implementing educational solutions, like KIBO.

The Computer Science Teachers’ Association has certified KinderLab’s KIBO Professional Development as a Quality PD Program.

6 Ways Our Training Maximizes Your KIBO Investment

Here are 6 reasons our PD & STEM Training for early childhood educators will help you and your students make the most out of learning with KIBO:


Offer standards-aligned PD that’s aligned to your district’s standards and needs.


Specifically designed courses with tailored curriculum to your school and district.


Deliver hands-on, in-person sessions or remote PD to fit your time and budget.


Provide resources, post-training, to discuss any questions or issues that have arisen through practice and provide online and self-paced options for follow-up.


Custom activity examples for you to integrate STEAM skills to existing classroom subjects you are already comfortable teaching, such as literacy or math.  


Supply examples and lesson plans to encourage teachers to learn alongside their students within a framework such as the engineering design process.

Our KIBO Workshops & STEM Training for Early Childhood Educators

KinderLab conducts virtual workshops with customers of all sizes, ranging from large public school districts to individual independent schools, from regional Head Start organizations to neighborhood preschools. Our PD team offers both on-site and remote workshops for teachers, specialists, and district PD providers. These workshops range from one-hour web conferences to multi-day in-person workshops on KIBO and STEAM education best practices. 

Delivered either remotely or in-person at your school or district offices, our workshops include plenty of hands-on experiences with KIBO to help teachers feel comfortable with the technology. We also discuss pedagogical approaches to creative technology education in early childhood, including promoting student collaboration, SEL, and design thinking through STEAM.

Get started with KIBO with all the training to be successful!

Workshop overviews and travel-inclusive prices are below. But we also recognize that every school and district has unique needs. To plan your perfect PD workshop, contact our PD team at

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Web-Based Introductory Training


Goal: Hands-on introduction to KIBO and curriculum to start using KIBO out of the box.

Kick off your KIBO teaching in a one-hour, interactive videoconference PD session! In this session, we’ll show you how to use KIBO’s parts and programming, discuss teaching with KIBO, and answer any questions. These are an ideal format to provide one educator with a quick, effective introduction to teaching with KIBO. We will also share activity ideas that you can use immediately.

  • Virtual Session: $100 (one participant) 
KIBO Group Training

Half-Day Group Workshop


Goal: Expertise in KIBO operation and teaching, with hands-on activities.

This three-hour workshop provides an introduction to the technical and pedagogical aspects of STEAM education with KIBO. Participants will gain familiarity with KIBO through several hands-on activities and challenges. They will explore the research basis supporting KIBO and the extensive curriculum offered by KinderLab.

  • Virtual Workshop: $1,300
  • On-Site Workshop: $2,150 (includes travel charges*)
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Full-Day Group Workshop


Goal: KIBO operational skills and in-depth curriculum integration.

This six-hour workshop provides all of the KIBO and curriculum training offered in the Half-Day workshop, along with a deeper investigation of how to adapt and implement KIBO curriculum within your organization’s teaching context and goals. Participants will complete a curriculum development activity to create a KIBO lesson integrated with a chosen cross-curricular subject.

  • Virtual Workshop: $2,150
  • On-Site Workshop: $3,250 (includes travel charges*)
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Two-Day Group Workshop


Goal: KIBO operational mastery and custom curriculum development.

This two-day workshop provides participants with the opportunity to master hands-on teaching with KIBO. A variety of challenges and open-ended building opportunities provide concrete experience, bolstered by exploration of supporting pedagogy, research, and teaching examples. We will also explore student learning assessment strategies. Participants will complete a curriculum development activity and have an opportunity to run this activity with their peers. This workshop is offered in-person only, due to the strong reliance on facilitated, hands-on work in small groups.

  • On-Site Workshop: $4,950 (includes travel charges*)

* In some situations, we may need to apply additional travel charges. We will make this clear during the quoting process.

For More Information About STEM Training for Early Childhood Educators

Download our pricing overview and contact us at to discuss your specific needs and arrange a workshop.